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[getInformazioniPdnd] Testing get informazioni dalla PDND.[1:25] Test che arricchisce le informazioni sul client prelevandole dalla PDND, senza prima aver mai prelevata la chiave essendo solamente un pattern ID_AUTH (from

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Success #1059 )
Took 5.1 sec.

Error Message

getInformazioniPdnd.feature:52 - path: $['PDND-ExternalId'][0], actual: 'c_c000_24-04-04-22-29_0001', expected: 'c_c000_24-04-04-22-28_0001', reason: not equal

Stacktrace getInformazioniPdnd.feature:52 - path: $['PDND-ExternalId'][0], actual: 'c_c000_24-04-04-22-29_0001', expected: 'c_c000_24-04-04-22-28_0001', reason: not equal
	at ✽.And match header PDND-ExternalId == 'c_c000_'+formattedDate+'_0001' (getInformazioniPdnd.feature:52)

Standard Output

feature: classpath:test/rest/sicurezza-messaggio/getInformazioniPdnd.feature
scenarios:  5 | passed:  4 | failed:  1 | time: 39.4512

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